
Help us create a beautiful space for Yinka Shonibare’s Hibiscus Rising, remembering David Oluwale.

106% funded
£15,817.50 raised
£15,000 target
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We Reached Our Target!!!!!!

13 Oct 2023

Hibiscus Rising landscape concept

And we couldn't have done it without you!

We're absolutely thrilled to share this incredible news - together, we've reached our £15,000 crowdfunding target! The outpouring of generosity and support over the week has been nothing short of amazing, and it's with immense gratitude that we celebrate this achievement!

Crowdfunding is a huge challenge and there was always a risk of not being able to reach our goal, which made this quite a scary undertaking! But we're so elated that we did get there and it's all because of you, our amazing supporters!

It's through a shared vision of a brighter future that we've managed to raise a massive £15,623.75 across 268 donations so far!!! In addition to this there have been many more people spreading the word, so a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated, shared, liked, followed, spread the word and sent messages of encouragement.

This is such an empowering moment for all of us because this campaign speaks volumes about the power of community and this message of partnership and solidarity is just as important to us as the donations. We've also been so moved by the messages received on the campaign wall, knowing that David Oluwale's story has reached and affected so many people. This is exactly what we set out to achieve, to extend DOMA's reach and honour David's memory, whilst creating a new legacy, and this campaign is another step in the right direction!

Your contributions have paved the way for us to embark on the crucial journey of creating a space for Hibiscus Rising to bloom in, a place for people to come together and connect. Your support is an investment in the cultural heritage of our community, and it will have a lasting impact on future generations.

We invite you all to visit our space in the near future, where you will be able to experience firsthand the beauty and significance of this phenomenal piece of public art. Please stay tuned for some exciting updates, in the build-up to the sculpture's launch this autumn.

And in the meantime, you still have a chance to purchase one of our beautiful rewards, so don't miss out!

Thank you!

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