Conferences and Seminars

Florence Nightingale Museum at the Anatomy and Beyond Conference II

3 October 2024
9:00am - 6:30pm

The Florence Nightingale Museum will be presenting at the Anatomy and Beyond Conference II!

The Florence Nightingale Museum will be presenting at the 2nd Annual Anatomy and Beyond Conference on Thursday 3rd October. The conference will focus on the interconnection of art, research, and science while exploring the human condition. It will feature speakers from various fields, private viewings of exhibitions, and performances.

Staff member, Melissa Wert, will be speaking on A Brief History of Nursing: Told through the life, works, and artifacts of Florence Nightingale. It will dive into nursing overtime with emphasis on how Florence Nightingale shaped modern nursing. It will finish in the present day with an introduction to the newest exhibition at the museum, Caring Companions, focusing on life-changing and life-saving impact animals can have on our lives. In the words of Nightingale, “A small pet is often an excellent companion”.

This conference was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the MAA /AEIMS/ARSIC Symposium. As well as our friends at the The Gordon Museum London, The Royal College of Surgeons, The Old Operating Theatre, and The Royal College of Nursing.

Tickets are available for purchase on the Anatomy and Beyond website.

**Please note this event will not be held at the Florence Nightingale Museum, but will be at other institutions in London.

This listing is supplied by one of our museum partners and is not moderated by Art Fund.

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National Art Pass offers available at Florence Nightingale Museum

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£12  £6 Standard entry price
IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

Visitor information


Florence Nightingale Museum

2 Lambeth Palace Road, London, Greater London, SE1 7EW
020 7188 4400

Opening times

We are open Tuesdays - Sundays 10:00 - 5:00pm (last entry 4:30)

Visitor information

IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

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