
Setting the Record Straight: Queering the Archive

2 April 2025
18:00 - 20:00
Free to all

Join the Newnham Queer Archive and the Museum of Classical Archaeology for an evening of re-writing history

This listing is supplied by one of our museum partners and is not moderated by Art Fund.

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IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

Visitor information


Museum of Classical Archaeology

University Of Cambridge, Faculty Of Classics, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 9DA
01223 330402

Free to all

Opening times

Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm

Saturday (univesity term time only): 2-5pm

Closed: Sunday, Monday

Exclusions and safety measures

Please be understanding of others. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.

We welcome group bookings.

Visitor information

IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

The more you see, the more we do.

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