A talk at Erasmus Darwin House by Anthony Poulton-Smith.
The local has long been the focal point of the community. A home from home where we gather to socialise, to play, to celebrate and to feats. Yet how many of us ever stop to think of the name of the sign hanging outside? Where do they come from, why were they chosen and do they have any significance?
Discover how pub names are almost a dialect of their own. Learn the origins and thus the meaning of some of our commonest and also our most unusual names. Find out how they relate to England's history, its people and events. Unlock the secret messages and codes found on the sign. And, most surprisingly, discover how the pub sign, and thus the name, is older than the pub itself.

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Visitor information
Beacon Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 7AD
01543 306260
Opening times
Museum Opening Hours
31 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 open Thursday to Tuesday (closed Wed) 11am to 5pm last entry 4.15pm
27 October 2024 to 29 March 2025 Open Thursday to Monday 11am to 4pm, last entry 3.15pm.
The herb garden is open all year with free access
The museum is occasionally closed for weddings and school bookings. Please check the website for details.
Please visit erasmusdarwin.org for full information.
Exclusions and safety measures
Visitor information
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