Going Places Mentoring Research and Toolkit for museum professionals

Our Mentoring Toolkit, developed as part of the Going Places programme, offers guidance and resources for establishing effective mentoring relationships in the museum and cultural sectors.
At its core, mentoring is a two-way learning relationship, where mentors and mentees exchange skills and knowledge. For museums, this approach opens up new ways to connect staff with the support they need to thrive, helping early-career professionals to navigate challenges and senior staff to develop leadership skills.
Our Mentoring Toolkit builds on insights from our Going Places Mentoring Programme Research Report, which examined mentoring programmes across the cultural sector.
With this toolkit, we hope to encourage other organisations to establish their own mentoring programmes, amplifying the benefits of mentoring across the sector.
Researched and created by Mairead O’Rourke and Laura Crossley, in collaboration with Going Places participants and colleagues across the sector, and supported by The National Heritage Lottery Fund and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.