Benjamin Franklin House
Benjamin Franklin House

Benjamin Franklin House


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£12 £6 Standard entry price

The world's only remaining former home of the US statesman, Benjamin Franklin House is a heritage gem in the heart of London.

The Benjamin Franklin House serves as a testament to the life and times of one of America's most important figures. Through its collection and meticulously preserved setting, the museum gives an insight into the life of the scientist, philosopher, inventor and Founding Father of the United States. Located at 36 Craven Street in London, the building served as his residence from 1757 to 1775, and is the world’s only surviving former home of the diplomat.

Experience history

Opened to the public for the first time on 17 January 2006, Franklin’s 300th birthday, the house is furnished to reflect the time that Franklin lived there. The museum’s Historical Experience presents the excitement and uncertainty of Franklin's London years, using rooms where so much took place as staging for a drama that integrates live performance, lighting, sound and visual projection.

Franklin artefacts

The museum houses a collection of items related to Franklin, such as scientific instruments, letters, printing equipment and remnants of the glass armonica, a musical instrument he invented. You can even see his wallet! There are also bones on display which were found beneath the house, likely from when it was used as a school for anatomy run by Franklin’s landlady’s son-in-law.

Take an architectural tour

Explore the Georgian features of the house including fireplaces, floorboards, and the central staircase, along with its fascinating history encompassing Franklin’s residence, the Hewson anatomy school, and the conservation project that saved it from dereliction.

Visitor information


Benjamin Franklin House

36 Craven Street, London, Greater London, WC2N 5NF
+44 (0) 20 7839 2006.

Opening times

Open 11am-5pm Fridays to Sundays.

Fridays: Architectural Tours.
Saturdays & Sundays: Historical Experience shows.

Visitor information

IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

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