Tony Ray-Jones, Album of photographs, 1975, Young Gallery Salisbury, Art Funded 2005

Young Gallery Salisbury

Free to all

The Young Gallery unites three formerly separate collections; The Young Collection, the John Creasey Museum collection and the Edgar Barclay Collection.

In 1913, Edwin Young bequeathed an art gallery to Salisbury and today it still displays his work capturing rural life in Salisbury, as well as pictures by other leading watercolourists. The gallery now also incorporates the John Creasey Museum collection, which includes crime and thriller novels, political ephemera and Modern Art. The collection includes works by Bill Brandt, Fay Godwin, David Jones, Anish Kapoor, Henry Moore and Paul Nash.

Visitor information


Young Gallery Salisbury

Market Place, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 1BL
01722 324145

Free to all

Opening times



10 am–7 pm


9 am–7 pm


9 am–5 pm


9 am–5 pm


9 am–7 pm


9 am–5 pm




Exclusions and safety measures

More information about accessibility can be found on the website here: Accessibility - Young Gallery Salisbury

Visitor information

IndividualTiana Clarke Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

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