Where to use your pass

Norwic h E AST C ambridge I nvernessAbe r deen Dundee Glasg o w Edinbu r gh S CO TLAN D Y ork Hul l N ewcastleupon Tyne Isle o f Man L eeds Li v erpool Manche s t er Sh effieldNO R T H Bel fastU lsterNO RTHERN IRELAN D CENTRA L O x f o r d Birmingham Bri s t ol W ALES Aber ystwythCardiffBangor S OUTH CanterburySoutham ptonBrigh t on P lymouthL ondon

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Get your pass

To get a Professional Art Pass, you’ll need to be a partner in the National Art Pass network. If you’re not already in the network, it’s free to join and you’ll get free promotion for your venue as well as the opportunity to buy a Professional Art Pass for anyone who works at your organisation.

Once you’ve joined, all you need to do is login or create a professional account to purchase your Professional Art Pass and start exploring hundreds of cultural destinations.

Any questions?

What is the Professional Art Pass?
Who is eligible?
Where can I use my Professional Art Pass?
What is the difference between the National Art Pass and the Professional Art Pass?
How do Plus One and Plus Kids work?
When will I receive my Professional Art Pass?
How can I renew my Professional Art Pass?


Any questions? We are happy to help, please check out the full list of Professional Art Pass FAQs