Individual, Teacher Please note this is an example card and not a reflection of the final product

Get your Teacher Art Pass

A Teacher Art Pass gives you a chance to recharge your mind and find inspiration. You’ll get free entry to hundreds of museums, galleries and historic houses as well as 50% off major exhibitions.

Where to use your pass

Norwic h E AST C ambridge I nvernessAbe r deen Dundee Glasg o w Edinbu r gh S CO TLAN D Y ork Hul l N ewcastleupon Tyne Isle o f Man L eeds Li v erpool Manche s t er Sh effieldNO R T H Bel fastU lsterNO RTHERN IRELAN D CENTRA L O x f o r d Birmingham Bri s t ol W ALES Aber ystwythCardiffBangor S OUTH CanterburySoutham ptonBrigh t on P lymouthL ondon

Discover 850+ places in the UK where you can use your pass

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Any questions?

What is the Teacher Art Pass?
Who is eligible?
Where can I use my Teacher Art Pass?
What is the difference between the National Art Pass and the Teacher Art Pass?
How do Plus One and Plus Kids work?
When will I receive my Teacher Art Pass?
Why is there a Teacher Art Pass?
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