See More, Live More with a National Art Pass

Have you seen our latest campaign?

The 'See More, Live More' National Art Pass campaign celebrates the many ways that spending more time with art and culture is good for your wellbeing. At Art Fund, we believe that access to art is vital for a healthy society and that the UK’s museums are an untapped resource that can help improve our lives by alleviating stress, providing joy, creating opportunities to learn, combatting loneliness, and so much more.

With a National Art Pass, you can visit hundreds of museums, galleries and historic places for free or half price for a whole year.

Where to use your pass

Norwic h E AST C ambridge I nvernessAbe r deen Dundee Glasg o w Edinbu r gh S CO TLAN D Y ork Hul l N ewcastleupon Tyne Isle o f Man L eeds Li v erpool Manche s t er Sh effieldNO R T H Bel fastU lsterNO RTHERN IRELAN D CENTRA L O x f o r d Birmingham Bri s t ol W ALES Aber ystwythCardiffBangor S OUTH CanterburySoutham ptonBrigh t on P lymouthL ondon

Discover hundreds of places in the UK where you can use your pass

See where you could use your pass.
Select a region on the map or from the dropdown

Any questions?

What is the National Art Pass?
Where can I use my National Art Pass?
How does the National Art Pass support museums?
Is the National Art Pass and Student Art Pass the same?
How do Plus One and Plus Kids work?
When will I receive my National Art Pass?


Any questions? We are happy to help, please check out the full list of National Art Pass FAQs.