1) A Ruined Abbey, 1789; 2) Bridge over a Gorge with Distant Mountains, 1796; 3) Stream winding through wooded country, 1797; 4) Mountainous Country and a Winding River, 1797; 5) Carisbrooke Castle, 1798; 6) Hilly Wooded Country, 1801.

Part of the S C Turner collection. Little is known about S C Turner, beyond the fact that he worked in the insurance industry all his career and retired to Boumemouth, where he began to collect watercolours and drawings. The collection grew, and in 1936 he extended his house to create a gallery. On his death in 1948 it was found that he had bequeathed his broad-ranging collection to the National Loan Collection Trust.


Sidney Claridge Turner; National Loan Collection Trust.

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