The five paintings are: 1) Armagh Gaol and Gaol Square, 2006, a topographical view; 2) St Patrick's Church of Ireland Cathedral from the south, 2006; 3) Armagh Rhymers, 2005, rhyming or 'mumming' being a local tradition where people dressed in straw costume and masks performed a mixture of music, dance or acting, and called from house to house; 4) Cuchulainn and the Brown Bull, 2003, based on the mythological tale of Ireland's warrior champion and the great brown bull of Ulster and 5) St Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedral by night, 2000, views representing the two main religious denominations in Armagh, the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland.

Purchased by the Art Fund with the assistance of the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.


The artist.

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