A special evening exploring the paranormal energy of Eastbury Manor House...
A special evening exploring the paranormal energy of Eastbury Manor House...
This special event, in partnership with the Ghost Hunt Society is for anyone interested in exploring the world of paranormal activity. Eastbury Manor House has over 450 years of history; following a short intro to the history and some of the former residents, you'll be able to explore the house under the expert guidance of the Ghost Hunt Society. Using special equipment, and with access to normally closed areas of the house, this is a perfect evening to explore with an open mind.
A hot twilight supper will be provided, as well as access to hot drinks throughout the evening.
Places are limited, and strictly over 18s only.
The night will run from entry at 7pm, through to leaving the house at 11pm.
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Visitor information
Eastbury Manor House, Eastbury Square, Barking, IG11 9SN
020 8227 2942
Opening times
Opening times: Thu 10am-4pm
Fri 10am-4pm
Sun 11am-4pm
Visitor information
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